goal lineman

 [ This is an extract of my unpublished work entitled Scientific Research Work for Football-Soccer Refereeing ]

Goal Linemen (GLM)


Goal-lineman is the new member in this new refereeing team.  There shall be two in number, one at each goal post.  

Goal linemen shall not run along the goal line but will be positioned at a fixed place above ground level for a panoramic observation. They also completes a triangular observation.

GLM thus plays a vital role in this system of refereeing. He shall become a very important personality but not least diminishing the importance of the central referee who shall be the only final judge applying the final decision.


Positioning of the Goal lineman :


Goal linemen shall be positioned above ground level at a height of about ±4 Yd on a platform of size about ±1 Yd x ±1 Yd.  In order to avoid confusion between the poles of the platform and the goal post, the platform shall be placed ±2 Yd behind the goal line and ±1 Yd beside the goal post.  But the top of the platform shall be stretched up to the goal line.  See Annex “W” and “W1”.

In professional football and big stadium the height of the platform can be made flexible (vertical flexibility)

I.e. , increase up to a height ±4 Yd when the ball is outside the penalty area and decreased to ±3 Yd when the ball is inside the penalty area.

Note: horizontal flexibility is not required/advisable.


Duties of Goal Linemen :


Subject to the decision of the referee the goal linemen shall indicate:


  1. When the ball has passed out of the playfield in case the touch lineman has been obstructed of clear vision.
  2. Helps the touch linemen in determining the offside position especially in counter-attack or when the ball is played near the goal line/penalty lines and in presence of many players during corner kick or free kicks etc.  However, goal linemen are compelled to indicate offside only when clearly have seen and 100% sure.
  3. To indicate a goal only when the whole of the ball crosses the goal line between the goal posts.
  4. To indicate a) goal kick   b) corner kick in relation to the lines under his responsibility Annex “V” gives details.
  5. To indicate penalty kick.  (Pointing the flag to the penalty mark).
  6. Disallow all non-valid goals.
  7. To indicate all ‘sanctionable’ and diving actions
  8. Indicate direct and indirect free kick (his clear vision can easily go up to 50% of the playfield – see Annex ”.
  9. Indicate issue of red or yellow cards (fist - left arm - above for red card and for yellow card 2 fingers stretched apart forming a “Y”.
  10. Assist the referee to control the match in accordance with the laws of the game



Philosophy of this above ground level positioning :

Goal linemen shall be positioned above ground level in order to have a clearer and proper view to detect all infringement.

" When you go to the top of a hill, your vision becomes vast ;

  When you are at the bottom, you just see some little portion." Says a Great Mystic.

" When you go up you have an overview of everything – a good panorama.

  Now (i.e, at ground level) our eyes see only about 40 or 50 feet ." Says another Great Mystic.

This supreme, above ground level position, of the goal linemen would allow without fail to detect all infringement and moreover it will also permit to observe the real intention of the players. How they are coming on the ball etc!

Diving act would be instantly detected and sanctioned.

The assistance from the goal lineman will be remarkable.

Video nor video camera cannot provide what goal lineman can. He shall cover the playfield from many angles due to this particular positioning.

He is having a vast vision from above ground level. At ground level we can but see some little portion which always results in refereeing errors.

Observation from above ground level is the vital thing in this system of refereeing. Without goal linemen we cannot apply this system and get the good results.


The drawing below clearly shows the position of the goal linemen/ touch linemen/ referee.


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