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T P S - Triangular & Panoramic System



What is TPS refereeing ?


The Triangular and Panoramic System of refereeing (TPS refereeing) for football soccer is my innovative work in order to improve/perfect the imperfect current system of refereeing football soccer. It is a combined system of the triangular and panoramic working simultaneously through goal linemen (new member) to detect infringement in football matches. It is scientifically worked out based upon mathematics, physics, nature’s laws and mystic science, all fully described in a very comprehensive work of 65 pages with 20 sub-titles and 40 drawings.   Goal Linemen will be positioned above ground level at each goal post for a panoramic view especially into the penalty area considered as the most sensible zone in the playfield. Thus all lines forming the playfield are constantly and closely under watch. Besides goal lineman above ground level position will enable him to avoid parallax errors. Incorrect positioning of the eyes (the referee and his assistant) at ground level observatoin do cause parallax errors in determining the exact and precise spot  where  infringement of the game had occured. This has a very serious consequence when  it happens on or the very limit of the penalty area.     However to avoid this problem, perpendicular  or panoramic observation  would definitely be the solution.

A clear example of parallax error is herein noted. New Castle v /s  Southampton - match payed on 16th January 2000. A penalty kick was awarded and the kicker Allan Shearer kicked the ball with such a pressure  force that  neither the referee nor his assistant  could followed that the ball in fact crossed the goal line after rebounding  off  the crossbar. Though the referee and his assistant  were quite near the action as during penalty kick the ass.referee also moves very close to the goal -post, they unjustly disallowed a genuine goal. Why this disallowance ? PARALLAX ERROR ! From ground level parallax error is bound to occur ! Had the action been followed from the top (in perpendicular), the goal lineman would have avoided parallax error and confirmed this clear goal.

Note that in the current system of refereeing the whole of the goal line and the line forming the penalty area are NOT under close and constant watch.  This is the sensitive zone where any refereeing error committed is fatal.

The TPS Refereeing responds positively to the high technical level football-soccer has now attained. It is free from use of advanced technology-video and cameras thus avoiding scientific or technological football-soccer which nobody would like. It allows perfect justice on the playfield and this is all done instantaneously and promptly. Since TPS Refereeing gives absolute justice on the playfield. There shall be good distribution of yellow/red cards. It will definitely prevent dispute/fighting among players on the playfield and outside the playfield among supporters. Moreover it will put a final end to hooliganism.

In professional football-soccer players will not be unnecessarily sanctioned to pay fines, removal of their licence and suspension.

For this modern world a reliable system is of utmost necessity. If FIFA is not careful football-soccer will end in big tragedies. The TPS Refereeing provides security for players, refereeing team, supporters, and non-supporters and protects this sport-game so much loved by the whole world.
TPS Refereeing is: ‘ for the protection of the game and safety of people.’



1. Based on the Triangular Module, TPS refereeing allows a triangular observation. I.e 3-side observation

    On one side Referee, 2nd side Touch Lineman and the 3rd side Goal Lineman (new member)

2. Panoramic observation – Above ground level positioning at each goal post through the Goal Linemen.

(i)     From above ground level his vision becomes vast and therefore infringement cannot go unseen.

(ii)    Since it is a panoramic observation, therefore it covers from several angles.

(iii)  Avoids Parallax Errors.

3.  All the lines forming the playfield are constantly and closely under watch at all times. (see drawings)

4.  Referee, Touch Lineman and Goal Lineman will be at reasonable distance at all times.  

      Hence observation is carried out very closely – not from ‘miles away.”

                                                                                                                                      Please see Drawings


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