Evolution of the System : TS - TPS - TPS2
What is TS ?
TS - Triangular System - based on the
Triangular Module. On one side is the referee, on
the 2nd side is the touch lineman and on the 3rd side is
the goal lineman. The goal lineman completes the triangular system (of observation) and shall
operate on the goal line exactly as the touch lineman do on the touch line. At
all times the play is observed from 3-sides. (note : net should be made
very small to facilitate easy run).
What is TPS ?
TPS - Triangular & Panoramic System - This is an advanced version of TS.
Here it is quite similar to TS with only one major difference. With TPS the goal lineman is not positioned on ground but shifted above ground level for a Panoramic View based on Mystic Ideas. He shall be positioned on a platform either fixed or (for better observation) with vertical movement flexibility, i.e decreasing gradually the height when the ball is played inside the penalty area and the goal area. (note : horizontal movement flexibility is not advisable)
(1) Mystic Sayings (2) Drawings
Ahead of Time ! TPS 2 !
TPS 2 is but an advanced version of TS/TPS refereeing.
I started with TS
- Triangular System, a system
of match control involving 2 additional goal-linemen to improve the
current failing system. It is based on the Triangular Module whereby
goal-lineman completes the Triangular Observation and Panoramic
based on Mystic Ideas further improves this system to perfection - TPS &
TPS 2. Not a single line of the
playfield is left unattended; all the lines are under close and constant watch
with particular attention to the goal lines and the lines forming the penalty
areas. I combined together both systems i.e. (a) Triangular System and (b)
Panoramic System, while ensuring technical feasibility and compatibility for
its efficient and effective application in football matches ultimately.
What is TPS 2 ?
This is a more advanced version of TS/TPS
Here except the referee all the members of the refereeing team are on Panoramic Position. I.e the touch linemen and the goal linemen will have panoramic view in discharging their duties. The referee will remain on ground to command and execute orders/rules of the games to the players who are playing on ground.
How refereeing would look like in the future ?
Football is very rapidly developing to become very fast. The technical level is also improving rapidly to transform players into highly efficient footballers. A glance in the early 1900's football gives us the answer. Therefore the system of match control i.e refereeing should also keep pace along with. Hence this future provision - TPS 2 - (Read more on TPS 2 below)
[ This is an extract of my unpublished work entitled Scientific Research Work for Football-Soccer Refereeing ]
Future Provision :
[ This future provision might become necessary by year 2050 or before ]
The technique/level of soccer is not static. New techniques come in and increase the level of football soccer and therefore there is also need to raise the level of refereeing.
Touch linemen will therefore be called to perform from above ground level of height ±3Yd on running tracks; and moreover it can be made electrically propelled (moving) by press button for faster movement than movement acquired by running physically. Then touch linemen could cover not only half of the touchline but ¾ or the whole of it. In fraction of a second they can reach at any desired point on the touch line (above). That would mean a PANORAMIC VIEW also for the touch linemen in performing their duties. The goal linemen are already there for a panoramic view; only the central referee would stay on the ground level as he has to apply and execute all the rules and give instructions to players ON GROUND.
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