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Football : TPS to improve the current refereeing system
15 July 2004
According to Mr Panchoo, errors are likely to happen with the current refereeing system. The soccer field is a very large area and we can expect that the ball is often played far from the eyes of the referee and the two linesmen, he says. Besides, due to wrong angle or position, the referee cannot always see the infringement.
He has introduced the TPS system, which consists of having two goal linesmen in addition to the central referee and the two side linesmen. The two goal linesmen will be positioned at the goal post above ground level with a panoramic view of the playfield. According to Mr Panchoo, this new system will significantly reduce refereeing errors. He points out that there has been quite a few serious refereeing errors in football history, among which Maradona’s famous hand goal against England during Mexico World Cup in 1986.
The two main advantages of TPS are a triangular - referee, touch linesman and goal linesman- and panoramic field observation. From above ground level, the vision becomes vast and infringement will be seen much more easily. Mr Panchoo says that TPS and panoramic observation combined will allow more justice on the playing field and many irregularities can be immediately detected and sanctioned.
With this system, there’ll be no need to use cameras and video. And this new technique can be easily applied to all types of stadium or soccer playfield.
Some serious refereeing errors / disputable issues observed by Mr Panchoo:
June 1996 : Netherlands v/s Scotland
Penalty (hand) on Scotland – not seen by referee
June 1996 : Bulgaria v/s Rumania
Goal on Bulgaria not seen by referee (ball crossed the goal line)
June 2000: Spain v/s Slovenia
Spain defender played ball by hand in penalty area – not seen by referee
June 2000: France v/s Portugal
Award of a disputable penalty to France
According to Mr Panchoo, the TPS Refereeing would not have allowed such serious errors.
National Productivity and Competitiveness Council - NPCC
NPPC Magazine no. 13 - September 2004
Kris Panchoo
Improving football refereeing
Kris Panchoo has devoted many years’ research in football in particular refereeing. He has submitted in Hungary a triangular and panoramic system that retained the jury’s attention.
Kris Panchoo admits to have always been fascinated by football. Refereeing errors occurred during international matches as in1986 when England was unjustly eliminated by Argentina, has deepened his imagination.
“ This sort of error is very disturbing during an important match and that has forced me to carry out scientific research. Refereeing is the duty of the central referee and the touch linemen. Very often the limited angle of observation is the cause of refereeing errors. I first worked out on the triangular module. From the philosophical point of view, this perspective is close to perfection. The Egyptian has mastered it very well! Just see their pyramids” Mr. Panchoo affirms.
Our countryman then studied the important lines on the playfield. He concluded that the goal line is the most important line and paradoxically this very line is not properly and constantly under watch. Using mathematical and physical laws, he proposes a combined system of the triangular and the panoramic. The goal lineman is placed above ground level beside each goal post. This system of observation known as the Triangular and the Panoramic System of Refereeing (TPS Refereeing) should improve the angle of observation to 80 % or more and would eliminate refereeing error in any part of the play field in particular the penalty area and the goal line, which are the most sensible zones.
Kris Panchoo underlines that this system could be easily applied internationally, at all level of competition and on all types of stadium. It is thus advantageous for stadium which does not have video camera facilities for faults verification.The project had been presented to FIFA and then to UEFA. It das also been reported on many Mauritian newspapers and on the Internet by V-Street Observer.
Our countryman had registered his TPS refereeing system with the Copyright Office at New Delhi in India in the year 2000. The system is also registered in Mauritius.
“I was looking for a competent organization which can cause a scientific evaluation of my work and I think that the Association of Hungarian Inventors is the most suitable body to have done it”, declared Kris Panchoo. He now awaits FIFA’ s decision.
Participation of Mauritian artists and inventors in the Fifth Genius Europe
Within the strategy to build up the momentum for the Innovators Mauritius Award and in view of motivating and giving exposure to Mauritian artists and inventors, NPCC facilitated the participation of 12 Mauritian artists and inventors in the Fifth Genius Europe, an international exhibition of inventions, works of fine and applied arts, organized by the Association of Hungarian Inventors, on 1-4 may 2004, at the Budapest Fair Centre, in Hungary. Dr Andrew Yeung received the Jeromos prize for his automatic capillary irrigation and artificial lung system. St Jerome is in fact the saint patron of the Association of Hungarian Inventors.
Dr Siddick Maudarbocus was rewarded for his research in bio-energy and Mr Kris Panchoo for devising a triangular and panoramic system of football soccer refereeing.
Football - Triangular Panoramic system
Kris Panchoo lance son site internet
L'inventeur du Triangular Panoramic System (TPS) refereeing - projet visant à rendre l'arbitrage plus performant - Kris Panchoo, a lancé, jeudi dernier, un site internet, où il met en valeur son projet. "J'ai l'impression qu'à part l'île Maurice, les autres pays ne sont pas au courant de mon invention. C'est la raison pour laquelle j'ai lancé un web site sur lequel tous ceux concernés pourront avoir une idée plus précise du TPS refereeing", a-t-il déclaré.
Kris Panchoo s'est dit toutefois déçu que son dossier n'a guère avancé. "Il me semble que les autorités concernées n'accordent aucune importance à ce projet, qui à mon humble avis, résoudrerais pas mal de points litigieux dans le football. Pourtant, si le projet est approuvé par la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), c'est l'Île Maurice qui en sortira gagnante. Elle sera mise en valeur au niveau international", a indiqué Kris Panchoo. Selon lui, le site internet lancé, a demandé beaucoup de travail notamment au niveau de la traduction. Il a même confié que de nouvelles informations seront ajoutées graduellement.
Selon Kris Panchoo, la FIFA, aussi bien que la Confédération africaine de Football (CAF) et l'Union Européenne de Football Association (UEFA) ont été mises au courant de l'évolution de la situation. "Le "goal linesmen" est une invention propre à moi et je suis sûr qu'il sera un élément très important dans le football si le projet est adopté. C'est d'ailleurs grâce à son aspect scientifique et de par son originalité que le projet a été récemment primé en Europe", a-t-il dit. À noter que le TPS refereeing a été primé, cette année, lors du Genius Europe International Exhibition of Inventions, organisé par l'Association of Hungarian Inventors.
Le TPS refereeing éliminerait, selon Kris Panchoo, toute forme d'injustice au cours d'un match. Il a ajouté que ce projet vise à donner une vision panoramique du jeu aux goal linesmen. "Hormis l'arbitre et ses deux assistants, je propose que deux assistants supplémentaires soient placés en hauteur tout juste à l'arrière de chaque but. De là, ils pourront surveiller la partie la plus sensible d'un terrain de football, notamment la ligne de touche et la surface de vérité. Je pense ainsi que dans ces conditions, les erreurs seront facilement détectées. Chaque action dans cette partie du terrain sera sous surveillance, non seulement de l'arbitre et de son assistant, mais également des goal linesmen. Les trois formant ainsi un triangle", a déclaré Kris Panchoo.
Pour rappel, ce dernier, senior social security officer au ministère de la Sécurité sociale, a commencé ses recherches sur une méthode pour rendre l'arbitrage meilleur tout juste après la Coupe du monde de 1986, disputée au Mexique. La décision de l'arbitre d'avaliser le but inscrit de la main par Diego Maradona, lors de la rencontre Argentine-Angleterre, l'avait énormément déçu. "Ce but avait changé beaucoup de choses et il est inadmissible qu'un tel but ait été accordé par l'arbitre. Je pense qu'avec le TPS refereeing on ne verra plus ce genre d'injustice", a-t-il fait ressortir.